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The Journal of Reading Recovery : Fall 2017

Article Authors Date Citation
Fall 2017
Table of Contents
09/01/2017 Volume: 17 Number: 1
Editor's Corner
Doyle, Mary Anne 09/01/2017 Volume: 17 Number: 1
The Journey to Implementation: Reading Recovery for Manitoba First Nations Students
Matczuk, Allyson; Sinclair, Gloria; Huggins, Irene 09/01/2017 Volume: 17 Number: 1
The Effectiveness of Reading Recovery with American Indian Children
Zalud, Garreth; Baron, Mark 09/01/2017 Volume: 17 Number: 1
Where Are They Now?
Kelly, Patricia R. 09/01/2017 Volume: 17 Number: 1
DLL: Effective Early Literacy Intervention in Spanish for Students in Bilingual Education Programs
Torres Elias, Annette 09/01/2017 Volume: 17 Number: 1
Executive Director's Message
Johnson, Jady 09/01/2017 Volume: 17 Number: 1
Council News
09/01/2017 Volume: 17 Number: 1
President's Message
Van Dyke, Janice 09/01/2017 Volume: 17 Number: 1
Literacy Lessons with English Language Learners
Lomax, Richard G. 09/01/2017 Volume: 17 Number: 1
Literacy Lessons: An Innovation in Progress
Briggs, Connie; Lomax, Richard 09/01/2017 Volume: 17 Number: 1
Enhancing the Lives of Learners and Teachers: Literacy Lessons Implementation in Kentucky and Ohio
Harmon, Lindy; Williams, Jeffery L. 09/01/2017 Volume: 17 Number: 1
Realizing Clay's Vision for Special Populations of Students: Implementation and Impact of Literacy Lessons
Lose, Mary K.; Konstantellou, Eva 09/01/2017 Volume: 17 Number: 1
The Last Word
Silva, Ju; Gray, Bengie; Banowsky, Elizabeth 09/01/2017 Volume: 17 Number: 1
Full Issue
09/01/2017 Volume: 17 Number: 1

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