Intervention préventive en lecture-écriture

Intervention préventive en lecture-écriture

Intervention préventive en lecture-écriture (IPLé) is the reconstruction of Reading Recovery in French. Reading Recovery is available in both English and French throughout Canada.

Reading Recovery is implemented in Canada in individual schools, entire school boards or districts or by provincial departments of education.  You can find Reading Recovery in Yukon, BC, Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, PEI and Nova Scotia.

The Canadian Institute of Reading Recovery (CIRR) is a charitable organization with a 15 member board of directors.  This organization holds the royalty free license for Reading Recovery in Canada.  The CIRR ensures that the implementation of Reading Recovery is consistent across locations through the use of Standards and Guidelines.  As well the CIRR provides professional development for Reading Recovery Trainers, Teacher Leaders and Teachers through conferences and resources.


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