North American Trainers Group

The organizational structure that supports collaboration

The North American Trainers Group (NATG) is an organization of Reading Recovery Trainers in North America that has the primary responsibility to ensure standards and guidelines for Canada and the United States are upheld in the implementation of Reading Recovery.

Within North America, Reading Recovery is supported by university training centers where teacher leaders are prepared. University trainers, who are faculty members at each of these centers, guide the work of affiliated teacher leaders who are located in local school districts, consortia, and regional teacher training sites.

University trainers who are involved in Reading Recovery have multifaceted roles. They not only provide training for teacher leaders and oversee implementation at affiliated sites, they are also charged with evaluating the results of teaching as well as engaging in research to improve it. Reading Recovery trainers represent the advisory body to The Ohio State University in the use of the Reading Recovery trademark.

Guiding program change and solving problems related to implementation requires that university trainers work very closely together. NATG is the organizational structure that supports this collaborative effort. The committees of NATG work to solve implementation problems across the United States and Canada, to support research and development, and to improve teacher leader and teacher training.

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