E-Learning Center

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Free & low-cost online video resources to help you meet your learning goals

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    Quickly search Reading Recovery and classroom literacy topics, select a session, and start learning.
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    View the video, complete a brief quiz, and print a certificate of completion.
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    Most completed sessions award 1-2 “RRCNA Contact Hours” (at your option and subject to the approval of your local PD committee).
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All Available Sessions


Meaning: Keeping the Motor Running Throughout the Lesson

Meaning is more than a source of information; it’s the spark for the fire! Explore how to create opportunities for learning during daily lessons that go beyond routinized teaching points to make learning more meaningful.


Demystifying Literacy Processing Theory for Leaders

You know Reading Recovery makes a positive impact on students, but just what are your teachers doing? Learn the essentials of the theory behind Reading Recovery and how you can engage teachers in meaningful conversations about the thinking that guides their decisions to lift the learning for all!


Purposeful Planning Throughout the Reading Recovery Lesson

Explore the components of the Reading Recovery lesson in terms of theory, purpose, and power to support planning for responsive teaching from start to finish in every lesson.


From Day One: Fostering Independence to Promote Acceleration

Reading Recovery teachers must foster constructive, independent problem solving from the first lesson. This session will explore the act of noticing and responding to shifts in processing, in real-time, to promote accelerated growth and learning. 


Building Processing Power: Variety and High-Volume Reading

Often overlooked, reading volume can have a profound impact on a child’s literacy development. Discover how more care must be taken with matching children to massive amounts of texts in fun, engaging ways throughout the series of lessons. 


Getting Ready for Late Learning

In late learning, children consolidate strategic processing so they solve problems on the run while attending to meaning. This session will identify issues arising in mid learning which slow children’s progress toward late learning and will use videos and student work to present teaching procedures to address these issues.


Module 4 – Supporting Learners with Intentional Action


Module 3 – Supporting Independence Through Teacher Language


Module 1 – Fostering a Dynamic Mindset


Deepening Reading Recovery Expertise: Building Independence in Writing


Deepening Reading Recovery Expertise: Building Independence in Reading


From Biscuit to Junie B. Jones: Assisting Transitional Readers


Making Meaning for the Struggling Reader


Digital Literacy in the K-6 Classroom


Incorporating Word Work into Guided Reading


RIP Sound it Out: What Else Can You Say?


An Authentic Approach to Foundational Skills


A Fresh Look at Teaching English Learners


Demonstrating and Prompting in the New Book


Powering Up the Processing Early by Teaching “How to Look at Print”


Guided Writing: Teaching with Power and Purpose


Orchestrating Learning: Letters, Sounds, Words, Continuous Text

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Spring 2024