Literacy Teaching and Learning Issue Archive
An International Journal of Early Reading and Writing
A scholarly research journal published from 1994 through Fall 2010, Literacy Teaching and Learning (LTL) includes articles written by scholars with similiar interests and research agendas working around the world. Just click on the issue links below for access to full content article links.
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Issue Archive
Rethinking Literacy Instruction to Non-LEP/ESL-Labeled Language Minority Students
Pu, Chang
Scaffolding Through Questions in Upper Elementary ELL Learning
Youb, Kim
An Early Reading Intervention for an At-Risk Chinese First Grader
Wang, Qiuying; Anderson, Richard C.
Reading Recovery Teacher Expertise: Gaining and Structuring Content Knowledge for Early Literacy Intervention
Gibson, Sharan A.
What’s Possible for First-Grade At-Risk Literacy Learners Receiving Early Intervention Service
Bufalino, Janet; Wang, Chuang; Gomez-Bellenge, X.; Zalud, Garreth
Do Children Selected for Reading Recovery Exhibit Weaknesses in Phonological Awareness and Rapid Automatic Naming?
Litt, Deborah
Vocabulary Development During Read-Alouds: Examining the Instructional Sequence
Kindle, Karen J.
Picture This: Processes Prompted by Graphics in Informational Text
Norman, Rebecca R.
From the Editors
Gibson, Sharan A.; Cappello, Marva; Hobsbaum, Angela; Koefoed, Blair; Ross, Pamela,
The Standardization of the Concepts About Print Into Greek
Tafa, Eufimia
The Role of Community Book Club in Changing Literacy Practices
Dail, Alanna Rochelle; McGee, Lea M., Edwards, Patricia A.
Unpacking Artifacts of Instruction
Compton-Lilly, Catherine
Prescriptions to Read: Early Literacy Promotion Outside the Classroom
Billings, Elsa S.
Name Writing: A First Step to Phonetic Writing? Does the name have a special role in understanding the symbolic function of writing?
Both-de-Vries, Anna C.; Bus, Adriana G.
Literacy Environment Quality in Preschool and Children’s Attitudes Toward Reading and Writing
Cunningham, Denise D.
Looking at School Improvement Through a Reading Recovery Lens
McNaughton, Stuart
Sharan A. Gibson, Marva Cappello, Angela Hobsbaum, Blair Koefoed, and Pamela Ross
Extreme(s) Makeover: Countering False Dichotomies of Literacy Education in the Australian Context
Julie Hamston and Janet Scull
Literacy Progress of Young Children from Poor Urban Settings: A Reading Recovery Comparison Study
Sue Burroughs-Lange and Julia Douëtil
Reading Strategies Revealed in Chinese Children’s Oral Reading
Xiaoying Wu and Richard C. Anderson
Susan King Fullerton, Linda Gambrell, and Kathy Headley, LTL editors
Studying a Kindergarten School-Home Literacy Project: Questions of Classroom Use and Student Response
Sharan A. Gibson and Patricia L. Scharer
Text Structures, Readings, and Retellings: An Exploration of Two Texts
Prisca Martens, Poonam Arya, Pat Wilson, and Lijun Jin
Book Review: Teaching Early Literacy: Development, Assessment, and Instruction
Dunston, Pamela
How Much Should Young Children Read? A Study of the Relationship Between Development and Instruction
McIntyre, Ellen; Rightmyer, Elizabeth; Powell, Rebecca; Powers, Sherry
Teaching Children with Hearing Loss in Reading Recovery
Charlesworth, Ann; Charlesworth, Robert; Raban, Bridie; Rickards, Field
All Oral Reading Practice Is Not Equal or How Can I Integrate Fluency Into My Classroom?
Kuhn, Melanie; Schwanenflugel, Paula
Relation Between the Reading Instruction of Cooperating and Student Teachers
Hamman, Doug; Button, Kathryn; Olivarez, Jr., Arturo; Lesley, Mellinee
Second Graders’ Reading Behaviors: A Study of Variety, Complexity, and Change
Kaye, Elizabeth L.
Research on Reading Recovery: What is the Impact on Early Literacy Research?
McGee, Lea M.
Understanding the Home-School Interface in a Culturally Diverse Family
Schulz, Melissa M.; Kantor, Rebecca
Nuances of Error: Considerations Relevant to African American Vernacular English and Learning to Read
Compton-Lilly, Catherine
Learning About Building Literacy Communities in Multicultural and Multilingual Classrooms From Effective Elementary Teachers
Turner, Jennifer D.; Kim, Youb
The Impact of An Early Literacy Intervention:Where Are the Children Now?
Schmitt, Maribeth Cassidy; Gregory, Anne E.
McNair, Jonda C.
“I’m the New Girl”: The Meanings Positions Hold for Students
Lassonde, Cynthia A.
Language and Literacy in Preschools: Current Issues and Concerns
Morrow, Lesley M.
The Value of Conversations for Language Development and Reading Comprehension
Cazden, Courtney B.
Book Review: “Teaching Struggling Readers: How to Use Brain-Based Research to Maximize-Learning” by Carol A. Lyons
Joseph, Laurice M.
No Teacher Left Behind: The Development of a Professional Collaboration
Johnson, C. Denise; Altland, Vicki
Bakhtin’s Dialogism in a Preschooler’s Talk
McCarthey, Sarah J.
Does Phonological Processing Distinguish Between Students Who Are More or Less Responsive to Reading Recovery?
Spector, Janet E.; Moore, Paula
Book Review
Rogers, Rebecca; Mosley, Melissa
Talking the Talk: A Close Examination of Teacher-Student Discourse Around Written Artifacts
McVee, Mary; Pearson, P. David
Conversation As a Model of Instructional Interaction
Van Bramer, Joan
Influences of Reading Group Experiences on Second Graders’ Perceptions of Themselves As Readers
Arya, Poonam
Phonemic Awareness: Clarifying What We Know
Chapman, Marilyn L.
Envisioning Story: The Eye Movements of Beginning Readers
Duckett, Peter
Metacognitive Strategy Knowledge: Comparison of Former Reading Recovery Children and Their Current Classmates
Schmitt, Maribeth Cassidy
You go to b ab t rod the 16 levo [You got to be able to read the 16 level]: Derek’s Literacy Learning Story in First Grade
Dantas, Maria Luiza
The Why? What? When? And How? Of Tutoring: The Development of Helping and Tutoring Skills in Children
Wood, David
Making a Case for Prevention in Education
Askew, Billie J; Kaye, Elizabeth; Frasier, Dianne F
Learning and Teaching at an At-Risk School
Barone, Diane
Achieving Motivation: Guiding Edward’s Journey to Literacy
Fullerton, Susan King
Picturebooks as Aesthetic Objects
Sipe, Lawrence R.
Documenting and Developing Literacy in Deaf Children
Gioia, Barbara; Johnston, Peter; Giovannelli Cooper, Laura
Achieving Motivation: Guiding Edward’s Journey to Literacy
Fullerton, Susan King
Teacher Leadership: A Key Factor in Reading Recovery’s Success
Bussell, Jean F.
Inventing Literate Identities: The Influence of Texts and Contexts
Martens, Prisca; Adamson, Susan
Children’s Achievement and Personal and Social Development in a First-Year Reading Recovery Program with Teachers in Training
Quay, Lorene C.; Steele, Donald C.; Johnson, Clifford I.
Affinities and Contradictions: The Dynamics of Social or Acquisition Learning
Holdaway, Don
Re-conceptualizing a Change Model: Implementation of the Early Literacy Research Project
Scull, Janet; Johnson, Neville J.
Is Early Literacy Intervention Effective for English Language Learners? Evidence from Reading Recovery
Ashdown, Jane
The Success of Reading Recovery for English Language Learners and Descubriendo La Lectura for Bilingual Students in California
Neal, Judith C.; Kelly, Patricia R.
The Effects of Reading Recovery on Children’s Home Literacy Experiences
Marvin, Christine A.; Gaffney, Janet S.
Cultural Production as Reproduction in the Appropriation of Mediational Means in School and in Out-of-School Contexts
Worthman, Christopher
Case Studies of the Writing and Thinking of Three African American Second Graders in a Whole Language Classroom
Freppon, Penny A.
Emotions, Cognition, and Becoming a Reader: A Message to Teachers of Struggling Learners
Lyons, Carol A.
Early Writing: An Exploration of Literacy Opportunities
Askew, Billie J.; Frasier, Dianne
The Development of Phonological Awareness and Orthographic Processing in Reading Recovery
Stahl, Katherine Anne Dougherty; Stahl, Steven A.; McKenna, Michael C.
The Development of Literate Potential in Literature-Based and Skills-Based Classrooms
Fang, Zhihui
An Examination of Sustaining Effects in Descubriendo La Lectura Programs
Escamilla, Kathy; Loera, Martha; Ruiz, Olivia
The Early Development of a Self-Extending System in Writing
Boocock, Christine; McNaughton, Stuart; Parr, Judy M
Common Roots and Threads: Developmentally Appropriate Practice, Whole Language, and Continuous Progress
Kasten, Wendy C.; Lolli, Elizabeth Monce; Wilt, Judith Vander
Scaffolding Emergent Writing in the Zone of Proximal Development
Bodrova, Elena; Leong, Deborah J.
Student Aspirations: Reading Recovery May Influence More than Literacy Development
Rhodes-Kline, Anne; Quaglia, Russell J.
Reading Recovery in the United States: More than a Decade of Data
Lyons, Carol A.
At-Risk Children’s Metacognitive Growth During Reading Recovery Experience: A Vygotskian Interpretation
Cox, Beverly E.; Fang, Zhihui; Schmitt, Maribeth Cassidy
Relations Between Children’s Literacy Diets and Genre Development: You Write What You Read
Kamberelis, George
First and Second Round Reading Recovery: What Difference Does it Make for Discontinuation and Program Length?
Rhodes-Kline, Anne
Pedagogical Reasoning: Understanding Teacher Decision Making in a Cognitive Apprenticeship Setting
Elliott, Cynthia B.
The Mischief of the Lost Lesson: An Analysis of the Sources of Discontinuity in Reading Recovery Services
Skandalaris, Lee; Frost, Frederica C.
Early Intervention in Children with Reading Difficulties: An Evaluation of Reading Recovery and a Phonological Training
Sylva, Kathy; Hurry, Jane
A New National Alliance: Special Education and Reading Recovery
Moriarty, David J.
Phonics and Politics: “Sounding Out” the Consequences
Jones, Noel
Reading Recovery and Children with English as a Second Language
Smith, Pauline, E.
Helping Low-Achieving First Grade Readers: A Program Combining Reading Recovery Tutoring and Small-Group Instruction
Dorn, Linda; Allen, Anne
Learning Disabilities: A Barrier To Literacy Instruction
Long, Richard
Success of Old Order Amish Children in a Strategy-Oriented Program for Children at Risk of Failure in Reading
Yukish, Joseph F.; Fraas, John W.
“But I Just Want to Teach Regular Kids!” Understanding Preservice Teachers’ Beliefs About Teaching Children Experiencing Difficulty Learning to Read
Nierstheimer, Susan L.; Hopkins, Carol J.; Schmitt, Maribeth Cassidy
Oral Language: Assessment and Development in Reading Recovery in the United States
Gentile, Lance M.
Reading Recovery: Una Vision General
Swartz, Stanley L.; Klein, Adria F.
Factors Affecting Students’ Progress in Reading: Key Findings From a Longitudinal Study
Rowe, Kenneth J.
Learning to Read: Insights from Reading Recovery
Jones, Noel
Reading Recovery in England
Hobsbaum, Angela
The Role of Talk During Interactive Storybook Reading in a Kindergarten Classroom
McCarrier, Andrea
Introduction to the Reading Recovery Council of North America
Pinnell, Gay Su
Reading Recovery: The Wider Implications of an Educational Innovation
Clay, Marie
Reading Recovery and Learning Disability: Issues, Challenges, and Implications
Lyons, Carol A.
Sustained Effects of Reading Recovery Intervention on the Cognitive Behaviors of Second Grade Children and the Perceptions of Their Teachers
Askew, Billie J.; Frasier, Dianne F.
Descubriendo La Lectura: An Early Intervention Literacy Program in Spanish
Escamilla, Kathy
The Role of Early Literacy Interventions in the Transformation of Educational Systems
Gaffney, Janet S.; Paynter, Susan Y.
An Inquiry-Based Model for Educating Teachers of Literacy
Pinnell, Gay Su
Reading Recovery: An Overview
Swartz, Stanley L.; Klein, Adria, F.
Published from 1994 to 2010
Fall 2024
The Science of Language and Anti-Blackness: Accounting for Black Language in Reading Instruction, Interventions, and Assessment by Alice Y. Lee
Getting History Right: The Tale of Three-Cueing by Jeffery L. Williams
Unpacking the Science of Reading: A Collaborative Exploration of Research and Theories by Nancy Anderson, Katherine Mitchell, and Sheila Richburg
Transformations in Writing: Analyzing Structure and Vocabulary in Two Reading Recovery Students by Donita Shaw, Faith Winslow, Amy Dunn, Heather Cherry, Cheyenne Short, and Kris Piotrowski