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The Journal of Reading Recovery : Spring 2024

Article Authors Date Citation
Spring 2024
Reading Recovery IS the Science(s) of Reading and the Art of Teaching
Debra Semm Rich 04/17/2024 Volume 23, Number 2
RRCNA Section: Spring 2024
RRCNA 04/17/2024 Volume 23, Number 2
President’s Message: Reading Recovery Works!
Debra Semm Rich 04/17/2024 Volume 23, Number 2
Patterns of Promise for Sustaining Implementation
Jamie R. Lipp 04/17/2024 Volume 23, Number 2
Intervention Essentials: Authentic Reading Experiences Through the Lesson
Dana Hagerman 04/17/2024 Volume 23, Number 2
Intervention Essentials: Writing in the Reading Recovery Lesson
Donita Shaw 04/17/2024 Volume 23, Number 2
Intervention Essentials: Creating the Conditions for Learner Independence
Tracee Farmer 04/17/2024 Volume 23, Number 2
National Outcomes for Reading Recovery and Descubriendo la Lectura for the 2022–2023 School Year
Susan Mauck, Lisa Pinkerton, and Kate Nelson 04/17/2024 Volume 23, Number 2
Teachers Designing for Context: Using Integrity Principles to Design Early Literacy Support in Aotearoa New Zealand
Rebecca Jesson, Judy Aitken, and Yu Liu 04/17/2024 Volume 23, Number 2
Predictions of Progress: Charting, Adjusting, and Shaping Individual Lessons
Janice Van Dyke and Melissa Wilde 04/17/2024 Volume 23, Number 2
Constructing a More Complex Neural Network for Working on Written Language That Learns to Extend Itself
Carol Lyons 04/17/2024 Volume 23, Number 2
Executive Director's article: Ohio Lawsuit Update
Billy Molasso 04/17/2024 Volume 23, Number 2
FULL ISSUE, Spring 2024
04/17/2024 Volume 23, Number 2

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Spring 2024