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The Journal of Reading Recovery : Spring 2023

Article Authors Date Citation
Spring 2023
The Science of Reading Era: Seeking the Science in Yet Another Anti-Teacher Movement
Paul L. Thomas 05/02/2023 Volume 22, Number 2
Intervention Essentials: Understanding Marie Clay's Perspective on Phonics
Mary Anne Doyle 05/02/2023 Volume 22, Number 2
Selection of Children for Reading Recovery: Challenges and Responses
Mary K. Lose and Eva Konstantellou 05/02/2023 Volume 22, Number 2
A Report of National Outcomes for Reading Recovery and Descubriendo la Lectura
Susan Mauck, Lisa Pinkerton, and Kate Nelson 05/02/2023 Volume 22, Number 2
Let's Talk About It: The Composing Conversation
Jamie R. Lipp 05/02/2023 Volume 22, Number 2
Denton Celebrates 20 Years of Descubriendo la Lectura
Carmen Lipscomb and Jaunita Ramirez-Robertson 05/02/2023 Volume 22, Number 2
FULL ISSUE, Spring 2023
05/02/2023 Volume 22, Number 2
Intervention Essentials: Trademarks: Protecting Clay's Literacy Interventions
Lisa Pinkerton 05/02/2023 Volume 22, Number 2
Dancing in the Sky with Ava
Sonya Roe, Kendra Tlusty, Nicole Tschohl, and Jen York 05/02/2023 Volume 22, Number 2
Intervention Essentials: Empowered Teachers: Key to Reading Recovery
Elizabeth L. Kaye 05/02/2023 Volume 22, Number 2
Important Work Continues
Connie Briggs and Mary Anne Doyle 05/02/2023 Volume 22, Number 2
President's Message: Sense of Belonging Strengthens Reading Recovery Community
Maeghan McCormick 05/02/2023 Volume 22, Number 2
RRCNA Section, Spring 2023
KT Hughes 05/02/2023 Volume 22, Number 2
Executive Director's Message: New Website Reflects Member Priorities to Connect and Serve
Billy Molasso 05/02/2023 Volume 22, Number 2
The Last Word
05/02/2023 Volume 22, Number 2

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Spring 2024