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The Journal of Reading Recovery : Spring 2018

Article Authors Date Citation
Spring 2018
Examining Outcomes for Special Education Students in Reading Recovery and Descubriendo la Lectura
Lomax, Richard G. 03/01/2018 Volume: 17 Number: 2
Understanding Dyslexia Laws and Policies
Gabriel, Rachael 03/01/2018 Volume: 17 Number: 2
Communicating the Power of Reading Recovery and Literacy Lessons Instruction for Dyslexic Learners: An Ethical Response
Doyle, Mary Anne 03/01/2018 Volume: 17 Number: 2
Results Again Show Strong Impact on Student Learning
Lomax, Richard G. 03/01/2018 Volume: 17 Number: 2
Reading Recovery: How Do We Rank?
Schwartz, Robert M. 03/01/2018 Volume: 17 Number: 2
President's Message: Powerful Conversations
Van Dyke, Janice 03/01/2018 Volume: 17 Number: 2
Broadening the Sphere of Influence: Reading Recovery as Part of One District's Comprehensive Intervention Approach
Baker, Jill; Brown, Kathleen 03/01/2018 Volume: 17 Number: 2
Where Are They Now?
Puissegur, Allison 03/01/2018 Volume: 17 Number: 2
What's So Important About Theory?
Askew, Billie J. 03/01/2018 Volume: 17 Number: 2
Editor's Corner
Doyle, Mary Anne 03/01/2018 Volume: 17 Number: 2
Table of Contents
03/01/2018 Volume: 17 Number: 2
Executive Director's Message: It Only Takes a Minute
Johnson, Jady 03/01/2018 Volume: 17 Number: 2
Council News
03/01/2018 Volume: 17 Number: 2
The Last Word
Blanc, Lisa; Duke, Julie; Lipp, Jamie 03/01/2018 Volume: 17 Number: 2
Full Issue
03/01/2018 Volume: 17 Number: 2

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