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The Journal of Reading Recovery : Spring 2015

Article Authors Date Citation
Spring 2015
Executive Director's Message
Johnson, Jady 03/01/2015 Volume: 14 Number: 2
President's Message
Behrend, Janet 03/01/2015 Volume: 14 Number: 2
Deepening the Home-School Connection: Collaborating with Diverse Families to Accelerate Student Learning
Briceno, Allison; Augustin, Esther; Montemayor Cecere, Karin; Klupar, Judy; Martinez, Maria L; Morales, Marisa; Zoeller, Emily Cecile 03/01/2015 Volume: 14 Number: 2
Editor's Corner
Briggs, Connie 03/01/2015 Volume: 14 Number: 2
The Power of Story
Cowley, Joy 03/01/2015 Volume: 14 Number: 2
Get Your Running Shoes On:
Scharer, Patricia L 03/01/2015 Volume: 14 Number: 2
Why Not Sound It Out?
Schwartz, Robert M 03/01/2015 Volume: 14 Number: 2
Marie Clay's Theoretical Perspectives and Powerful Messages for Teachers
Doyle, Mary Anne 03/01/2015 Volume: 14 Number: 2
Contributions of the Works of Marie Clay to Guided Reading Instruction
Pinnell, Gay Su; Fountas, Irene 03/01/2015 Volume: 14 Number: 2
Marie Clay's Search for Effective Literacy Instruction: A Contribution to Reading Recovery and Small-Group Teaching
Forbes, Salli; Dorn, Linda J 03/01/2015 Volume: 14 Number: 2
IDEC Evaluation Report 2013-2014: Annual Results Show Strongest Outcomes Experienced to Date
D'Agostino, Jerome V; Harmey, Sinead 03/01/2015 Volume: 14 Number: 2
Summers Are Critical If We Want to Close the Rich/Poor Reading Achievement Gap
Allington, Richard L 03/01/2015 Volume: 14 Number: 2
Fulfilling the Promise of Literacy: A Summer Book Project
Bates, C C; McBride, Maryann 03/01/2015 Volume: 14 Number: 2
Council News
03/01/2015 Volume: 14 Number: 2
The Last Word
Emmons, Kay; Jordan, Emily; Rak, Linda; Kuenning, Jan; Hill, Ginger; Christensen, Julie A 03/01/2015 Volume: 14 Number: 2
Digital Version - Anniversary Issue
03/01/2015 Volume: 14 Number: 2
Where Are They Now?
Bowling, Graham; Chandler, Bradley; Cumming, Holly; McDill, Melinda; Schwarz, Kank 03/01/2015 Volume: 14 Number: 2
Full Issue
03/01/2015 Volume: 14 Number: 2

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