Reading Recovery Connections
A blog for Reading Recovery and early literacy professionals
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Effective Literacy Scaffolds for Language Learners
Sponsored by Hameray Publishing As parents, family members, or mentors, we naturally coach and gradually release children to help them learn new skills. For example, we automatically use training wheels or a training bike
Getting History Right: New Open Access Article from the Journal of Reading Recovery
Getting History Right: The Tale of Three-Cueing by Jeffery L. Williams critiques common misconceptions about literacy instruction and parallels them to historical myths. The article addresses the prevalence of media misinformation around the so-called
More Research Proves Reading Recovery Meets the Phonics Challenge
This summary was originally published in Marshall Memo 1061 on November 11, 2024. It was shared with permission from the Marshall Memo, a weekly roundup of important ideas and research in K-12 education. Does
LitCon: The Countdown is On
Calling all LitConnisiours! LitCon, North America’s best literacy conference for K-8 educators, is celebrating its 40th year—and you won’t want to miss it! This is an incredible opportunity to learn, connect, and recharge with
Leveled Books Have an Important Place in Every Primary Classroom: Up Your Game with Leveled Texts
By Connie Briggs Leveled books have an essential place in any reading program. Designed to build on each child’s strengths, levels help teachers meet students where they are as they teach students to read
Leveled Books Have an Important Place in Every Primary Classroom: Setting the Record Straight
By Connie Briggs Leveled books are essential in any reading program. Designed to build on each child’s strengths, levels help teachers meet students where they are as they teach students with differing backgrounds, experiences,
Two New Resources to Counter Misinformation about Reading Recovery
To counter media misinformation surrounding Reading Recovery, the North American Trainers Group (NATG) has developed two new resources for the Reading Recovery Community. The first, Understanding Reading Recovery: A Comprehensive Model of Instruction offers an
How to Build Background Knowledge with Text Sets
Every educator strives to transform students into critical thinkers who understand the world around them. Reading can give students portals into other worlds, diverse perspectives, and problem-solving skills to grow into well-rounded individuals. With
Intervention Essentials: Reading Recovery’s Unique Data Lens
The volume and quality of data collected, analyzed, and reported in Reading Recovery® is a rarity among educational or social programs. Every Reading Recovery teacher, teacher leader, and site coordinator is part of a
Spotlight Speaker: Raphael Raphael
Save your seat! In February, join Dr. Rapahel for Writing with Purpose: Building a Culturally Responsive Teaching Practice at LitCon. How can we best meet our students where they are? What are the most effective ways to
Fall 2024
The Science of Language and Anti-Blackness: Accounting for Black Language in Reading Instruction, Interventions, and Assessment by Alice Y. Lee
Getting History Right: The Tale of Three-Cueing by Jeffery L. Williams
Unpacking the Science of Reading: A Collaborative Exploration of Research and Theories by Nancy Anderson, Katherine Mitchell, and Sheila Richburg
Transformations in Writing: Analyzing Structure and Vocabulary in Two Reading Recovery Students by Donita Shaw, Faith Winslow, Amy Dunn, Heather Cherry, Cheyenne Short, and Kris Piotrowski