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Teacher Leader Institute Keynote Speaker Announcement

Published On: March 12th, 2024 | Categories: Latest News |

We are excited to announce the Teacher Leader Institute Keynote Speakers Alice Yee and Allison Briceño! Explore your role as a literacy educator in diversity, equity, and inclusion at Palm Springs. With three days of in-depth professional development, the theme of this year is Inclusion through Literacy: Stories for All Voices.

The Teacher Leader Institute is required professional development for active teacher leaders and teacher leaders-in-training in the United States. Reading Recovery trainers, trainers-in-training, and site coordinators are also encouraged to attend.

Soak up the sun at this family-friendly oasis in the desert! Join your friends and colleagues to learn and recharge by saving your spot today.

Leadership in Support of Diversity and Equity: Whatever It Takes with Allison Briceño

Literacy leadership from a social justice perspective is complex. It involves upholding values and advocating for students and teachers, even in politically complex contexts. This session will explore asset-based practices for working with students and teachers in politically charged times to ensure inclusive, just outcomes.

The Science of Language and Anti-Blackness: Accounting for Black Language in Reading Instruction, Interventions, and Assessments with Dr. Alice Lee

Linguistic science has determined Black Language to be a recognized language for over half a century. Black Language consists of all the systematic patterns and dimensions that linguists use to determine legitimacy of a language. Yet schools continue to ignore and devalue the language in classroom instruction, assessment, and curricula. This reality is another example of the ways anti-Blackness shapes the many facets of our society, including how and what we think about language. Since language is a crucial vehicle for learning, we must pay close attention to how we approach and count it, particularly for readers who have been denied their rights to Black Language in learning. This talk encourages teachers, literacy coaches, and administrators to explore how to bring Black Language into the various contours of their pedagogies and policies.

RRCNA Membership Spotlight: Dannyelle Lowpensky
The Four Fallacies of the Media’s Representation of Literacy
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Fall 2024