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TLI 22 Recap

Published On: July 28th, 2022 | Categories: Latest News |


It’s that time of year again! Members gathered at the historic Galt House in Louisville, Kentucky for a chance to learn and recharge at the 2022 Teacher Leader Institute.

The program kicked off on Tuesday with a fascinating session with Rachael Gabriel about the historical context and new trends shaping the stories being told about reading instruction. Next, attendees headed into a celebration of new Teacher Leaders and a reception. Three years after our last in-person Teacher Leader Institute, it was electric to be in-person with friends and colleagues again!

On Wednesday, the Teacher Leader Institute began with attendees learning how to tell their Reading Recovery story. Teacher Leaders and Trainers shared stories of success and transformation, and some even filmed testimonials we’ll share soon with the Reading Recovery Community! In between sessions, attendees reconnected with friends and shopped from the exhibit hall.

A favorite session on Thursday was Increasing the Power for Coaching Using the Tools of Reading Recovery with Mary Fried and Janet Buffalino. After each General Session, attendees broke into in-depth discussions with their homeroom, a small group designed to make deeper connections with other Teacher Leaders. After the day of learning was over, many attendees headed to Churchill Downs for a night at the races!

Photo Credit: Lesley Reading Recovery & Literacy Collaborative

Friday, attendees heard updates from the Hub and IDEC. The Institute ended with a panel discussion (with Gay Su Pinnell, Connie Briggs and Anne Simpson) on finding agency as attendees take the next steps in Reading Recovery. With hugs and fist bumps, attendees headed home to take a nap and apply what they learned to their sites and lessons.

It’s not a “goodbye;” it’s a “see you later.” We’ll see everyone at LitCon in January!

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