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RRCNA Membership Spotlight: Celia Victoria

Published On: July 25th, 2023 | Categories: Latest News |

Learn about your colleagues from across the country who do whatever it takes as part of the Reading Recovery Community! Celia was able to attend LitCon this year because of a generous financial award from the Foundation for Struggling Readers.

What is your favorite thing about Reading Recovery?

My favorite thing about Reading Recovery is the community of Reading Recovery teachers I am fortunate to be a part of. Every single RR teacher in our district is committed and driven to improve their skills and craft to meet the unique needs of each child. It is truly an honor to be part of this amazing group. We work together to better meet the needs of all our students through meetings, phone calls, observing each other, collaborating discussion of best practices with the child always in mind.

Share a favorite Reading Recovery memory.
My favorite Reading Recovery memory is one I treasure the most. It happened during the pandemic in virtual learning online. I was working with a child who did not want to do his part as a learner. He would show up late to our online meeting, unprepared with broken materials or none at all, and with the most negative attitude. He was not a happy student at all. It was very difficult to deal with this student, yet I didn’t give up and with some hope and lots of love, things took a shift. I must have taken materials to his house about 3 times and gone over how to take care of them each time. I was fortunate to have mom’s support and together little by little we were able to motivate him to improve his effort and mindset. At the mid-program, he had transformed into a focused, eager, and motivated child. We had to incorporate a contract by the end of the lesson, which he loved as it was clear what was expected of him and what he had control over. This transformed his life. He would be on time, ready to learn on his table, with all materials ready to go, he made every effort to try his best in his lesson tasks. He was an eager learner at the end of the 20 weeks. He still needed to work on his literacy skills but the greatest discovery was he could learn, literacy was attainable, and he had control all along. At the end, he was a happy student who loved to learn. I will always remember the transformation this kid went through before my eyes and it was all because I took the time to know him and find out how he learned and what motivated him.

What is your favorite book?

My children’s book is How Rocket Learned to Read. Rocket the dog, was not interested in learning to read. The bird with its patience and expertise, managed to spark curiosity in Rocket to want to learn. It is much like how we start with our students. We plant seeds that grow in discovery and curiosity as a learner.

What do you like to do for fun?

I love to spend time with my family. Due to Covid, we had stopped gathering for a while and that was hard for me, but now we are slowly going back to our previous routines. We meet and potluck food dishes. My cup is filled every time I see my family. My children get to see their grandparents and hear their stories as well as play with their cousins. I feel blessed to have a big family. Another thing I do for fun is walk with my friends on the weekends. It is important to stay present with the people you care about. Many of my friends are also my colleagues from work. They are my work family and we work together as a team. Spending time away from work is healthy and important for the soul.

Thank you to our Associate Members and development partners who generously sponsored 2022 – 2023 financial awards

Geri Stone Memorial Fund – Tenyo Family Foundation Grant – Debby Wood Grant – Dr. Olson PD Grant – Teresa Douglas PD Award

Celebrating Diverse Paths to Literate Lives: The International Reading Recovery Institute
Rise to the Challenge: A Message from RRCNA President
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