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RRCNA Blog: A Year in Review

Published On: January 2nd, 2024 | Categories: Latest News |

From sharing exciting updates to spotlighting our members, the RRCNA blog is your resource for what’s new in the Reading Recovery Community. In 2023, we advocated that Reading Recovery works and explored how to put our beliefs into action. As 2024 begins, take a look back at some of our best posts from 2023.

Membership Spotlights

In 2023, we continued to highlight our members through two member-focused blog series. In Follow My Journey, we cheered on Courtney Smith as she graduated in late April and started following Heather Cherry’s journey as a Teacher Leader in Training. So far, Heather has just kept swimming through an overwhelming semester and reflected on words of wisdom from Winston Churchill. Our community also got to know RRCNA members better through a series of Membership Spotlights. Who knows? You could be highlighted next!

Announcing 2023 Teacher Leader Award Winner Heather Cherry

Follow My Journey: Just Keep Swimming

Lessons from Churchill

Follow My Journey: Graduation

RRCNA Membership Spotlight: Leslee Valencia

Data Highlights

In 2023, we launched a new blog series in partnership with IDEC, the International Data Evaluation Center. Authored by Kate Nelson, IDEC Manager at The Ohio State University, this series delves deeply into Reading Recovery’s annual data review.

Data Dives with IDEC: Delving Deeper into Student Growth

Student Growth and Outcomes: Zooming in on Accelerated Progress and Progressed Outcomes

Professional Development

Continuous professional development is a crucial tenet of Reading Recovery. From sharing how a student’s DLL lessons helped him look at print in efficient and effective ways to the importance of book selection in daily Reading Recovery lessons, this year’s professional development blog invited readers to reflect on their teaching and apply new tactics to lessons immediately.

Book Choice Matters Part One: Data, Motivation, and Engagement

Book Choice Matters Part Two: Text Variety and Lifelong Readers

Connected Text and Word Solving

Roaming Around the Known While Traveling Around the World: A New Perspective on Concepts About Print

The Print, Not the Pictures, Contains the Message


Whether we were sharing good news reaffirming positive outcomes for Reading Recovery or having tough conversations about the consequences of the latest wave of anti-science Science of Reading legislation, the Reading Recovery blog remained a voice for advocacy and reason.

Why a Lawsuit, Why Now?

When Doing the Right Thing is the Wrong Thing

Phonics is a Piece of the Puzzle, Not the Only Answer

What Works Clearinghouse again confirms positive outcomes for Reading Recovery

Dr. Sam Bommarito interviews Dr. Billy Molasso, Executive Director of RRCNA

RRCNA Community Updates

There is always something new happening at RRCNA! In the new year, continue to check out the blog for the latest news,  from incoming President updates to celebrating a successful LitCon.

Book Choice Matters Part Two: Text Variety and Lifelong Readers
New Featured Session Added: Niigaan Sinclair
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Spring 2024