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LitCon: Now Accepting Session Proposals

Published On: May 30th, 2023 | Categories: Latest News |

It’s your time to take the spotlight! LitCon is accepting proposals for LitCon ’24, January 27 – 30. Submissions are due June 29, so mark your calendars! 

LitCon is North America’s largest K-8 literacy conference for the broader K-8 literacy community. There are seven strands, or topical themes of presentations, featured at LitCon: Classroom Literacy (grades K-2, 3-5, and 6-8), Children’s Literature, Leadership in Literacy, Literacy Coaching, and Reading Recovery.

After proposals are submitted, a robust review process begins. Committees of teacher leaders, trainers, and educators from all levels of classroom instruction, including those from outside the United States, review all proposals. Acceptance notifications are sent out on August 3, and the LitCon countdown is on!

Are you interested and want to learn more? Check out more information on the LitCon website, including the submission guidelines. Whether you’re a seasoned presenter or a first-time speaker, we invite all literacy experts to share their innovative ideas at LitCon. 

Exciting changes are happening this year at LitCon, such as modifying the schedule to lengthen concurrent presentations. This year, we are also encouraging more program submissions that cater to our middle-grade audience. Keep an eye out for some exciting speaker announcements in the upcoming weeks.

Whether you’re interested in sharing your knowledge on equity in education, strategies for struggling readers, or another literacy topic, we want to hear from you. “The program committee is off to a great start, working on a fantastic slate of keynote and featured speakers for January. We’re eagerly anticipating the innovative programs that will be proposed this year for LitCon 2024,” shares Director of Professional Learning Lori Sobota. We can’t wait to read your session proposal!

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