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Spotlight Speaker: Diane Sweeney

Published On: October 5th, 2023 | Categories: Latest News |

Calling all literacy leaders! Join us for Foundations for Student-Centered Coaching on Saturday, January 27. Register separately for this full-day preconference workshop specially designed for instructional leaders. Lunch is included.

Student-Centered Coaching is an evidence-based instructional coaching model that shifts the focus from ‘fixing’ teachers to collaborating with them to meet their goals for student learning. This session is well suited for instructional coaches, administrators, and district leaders and pairs with The Essential Guide for Student-Centered Coaching (Sweeney and Harris, 2020) and Student-Centered Coaching: The Moves (Sweeney and Harris, 2017).

Our learning intentions will include:  

  • Define what Student-Centered Coaching is and isn’t  
  • Learn practices for building principal and coach partnerships 
  • Understand the role of student evidence as an essential component of coaching 
  • Plan how you will measure the impact of coaching on student and teacher learning 

Check out the full session lineup here and save your seat today!

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