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RRCNA Membership Spotlight: Patricia Arce-Marin

Published On: July 6th, 2023 | Categories: Latest News |

Learn about your colleagues from across the country who do whatever it takes as part of the Reading Recovery Community! Patricia was able to attend LitCon this year because of a generous financial award from the Foundation for Struggling Readers.

What is your favorite thing about Reading Recovery?

My favorite thing about Reading Recovery is that it is grounded in an asset based ideology. The idea that all students can achieve high levels of success, given appropriate support regardless of past performance is something I truly connect with. The children we serve may be in the lowest 20% of their class at the outset, but their strengths can be leveraged to drive their individualized programs and allow them to thrive.

Share a favorite Reading Recovery memory.
Although I only have the RR training year under my belt, I have had countless unforgettable moments with families and students. One recent interaction really stands out in my mind as it was a reminder of just how important our charge is. My current student, whom I’ll call J.J. started off Roaming stating, “I don’t know how to read.” By the end of our roaming sessions, there was a clear shift in his demeanor and overall confidence as a reader. As we wrapped up the 1st week of formal lessons (week 3), I ran into J.J’s parents after school. J.J. ‘s mom was overjoyed to finally meet me in person as we had only spoken on the phone or exchanged text messages up to that point. She thanked me profusely for supporting her son and said, “I don’t know what you are doing, but I have seen him grow so much in the last few weeks.” His mom went on to tell me how J.J. had been assembling and reading his cut-up story independently and reading his familiar books every night. She shared in amazement that she “had never seen him like this before.” This testimony speaks to the power of Reading Recovery and how we, Reading Recovery teachers, truly are growing readers one at a time. His mom’s message not only filled my cup as a teacher but affirmed the importance of the work we do. We are setting up young scholars for a lifetime of literacy and success and this brief exchange reminded me just how important this work is.

What is your favorite book?

This is a tough question, as there are many. If we are talking about reading for fun, a recent favorite that I could not put down is The Alice Network by Kate Quinn. I love how the two female protagonists’ stories intertwine and the author’s use of flashback and flash forward between WWI & WWII. If I’m thinking of professional development books, The Next Step Forward In Guided Reading by Jan Richardson has been a constant presence and reference in the past school year. My Reading Recovery teaching partner and I did a book study this past year at school utilizing this text and have used it to inform our practice around guided reading. We will also be using this book for staff PD this school year. Now if we are talking about my favorite Reading Recovery student book, I really like all The Big Spider books, but my favorite in that series is Smack by Bob Martin. I just love how students nearly fall out of their seats laughing when the mom smacks dad with the rolled up paper. It’s my favorite because of the kids’ reaction to it. They just think it’s hilarious.

What do you like to do for fun?

Some of the things I enjoy and find fun include bicycling around my neighborhood with my children, going for long walks or drives, getting lost in a good book, exploring new places, and just spending time with my family or connecting with friends. I also love watching movies, attending concerts, and visiting museums.

Thank you to our Associate Members and development partners who generously sponsored 2022 – 2023 financial awards

Geri Stone Memorial Fund – Tenyo Family Foundation Grant – Debby Wood Grant – Dr. Olson PD Grant – Teresa Douglas PD Award

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