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Celebrating Professional Development Award Winners and the Foundation for Struggling Readers

Published On: December 27th, 2022 | Categories: Latest News |


A lot of good happened this year! Today the RRCNA community is celebrating our Professional Development Award winners. A key tenet of Reading Recovery is a commitment to continuous professional development; the ten Teacher Leader Scholarships and 38 Professional Development Awards funded by friends, partners, and members are a clear example of this investment in our community!

These awards were made possible by generous donations from friends and supporters of the Foundation for Struggling Readers. With the end of the year approaching, it’s your last chance to double your donation as part of our annual appeal. We are sending a huge thank you to all of RRCNA’s incredible supporters who have already donated! We can not wait to celebrate our award winners with you at LitCon.

Thank you to our Associate Member supporters who made these awards possible.

Professional Development Award Winners

Patricia Arce-Marin
Debby Wood Grant

Bobbie Barrier
Tenyo Family Foundation Grant

Sarah Blair
Tenyo Family Foundation Grant

Laura Folger
Mary Ruth Conference Grant

Rebecca (Becky) Fritz
Tenyo Family Foundation Grant

DeAnn Holba
Tenyo Family Foundation Grant

Lisa Hoover
Tenyo Family Foundation Grant

Amanda Jones
Tenyo Family Foundation Grant

LaShaunta Lake
Tenyo Family Foundation Grant

Stephanie Logsdon
Tenyo Family Foundation Grant

Julie MacLean

Julia McBrayer

Nicolle Miller
Tenyo Family Foundation Grant

Karen Mulcahey
Tenyo Family Foundation Grant

Amy Peterson
Dr. Olson PD Grant

Jill Speering

Rachel Spellman

Leslee Valencia
Blueberry Hill Books Grant

Melissa Van Gessel
Tenyo Family Foundation Grant

Jami Vandenberg
Dr. Olson PD Grant

Ceia Victoria
SongLake Books

Tracie Vitantonio

Brook Yeomans
Tenyo Family Foundation Grant

Geri Stone Memorial Fund Award Winners

Diane Pas

Kellie Kelly

Brit Hoyt

Teacher Leader Award Winners

April Hamilton
Award sponsored by Pioneer Valley Books

Anna Hancock
Award sponsored by Pioneer Valley Books

Erica Kenoyer
Award sponsored by Pioneer Valley Books

Sarah Mayer
Award sponsored by MaryRuth Books

E. Louise Raigoza
Award sponsored by the Linda Dorn Reading Recovery Legacy Fund

Leslie Ray
Award sponsored by Pioneer Valley Books

Lora Reavis
Award sponsored by Pioneer Valley Books

Julie Schwartzbauer
Award sponsored by MaryRuth Books

Courtney Smith
Award sponsored by Pioneer Valley Books

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