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Parent Testimonials

Published On: December 20th, 2022 | Categories: Latest News |


Every child deserves to read.  The lives of millions of children have been positively impacted by Reading Recovery; the results are unimpeachable. Check out the videos below of parents sharing their real experiences with Reading Recovery. #ResultsMatter #ReadingRecoveryWorks


“…I do not believe he would be where he is today with the confidence he has if it had not been for the Reading Recovery program.” – Heather S.

“The Reading Recovery program has completely changed the life of my child. It provided the building blocks to his success for the rest of his life.” – Lisa N.



“I think the Reading Recovery program gave my daughter confidence that she wouldn’t have had just being in a regular classroom.” – Stephanie S.

“…to have that teacher that could really hone in on exactly what she was struggling with and be able to guide her and help her really build her confidence.” – Carol M.


“We are fortunate that our son did take part in Reading Recovery, and I hope that it will be there for other students to help them succeed in their lives as well.” – Kristin C.


Truth and Fiction: What Reading Recovery Means to Me
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