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The Reading Recovery Community

Published On: July 19th, 2022 | Categories: Latest News |

By RRCNA President Maeghan McCormick

My career in education has always seemed to lean towards literacy. No matter where I was in my journey, I felt the support of a community of collaborative teachers committed to doing whatever it takes. As RRCNA’s incoming President, I am humbled to work on this community’s behalf to share the importance of Reading Recovery.

I was fortunate early in my teaching life to have wonderful professional learning and opportunities to inform my literacy instruction. In my first year of teaching, I joined a book study for Fountas and Pinnell’s Guided Reading: Good First Teaching for All Children. This small group of teachers, led by a mentor teacher, shaped my beliefs about literacy.  As we studied, we also had the opportunity to observe literacy instruction in classrooms.  It was a supportive and helpful community for a novice teacher. Little did I know how much my literacy community would grow!

In 2002, four years into my teaching career, I had the opportunity to train to become a Reading Recovery Teacher and I jumped at it. I was eager to learn more about early literacy learning and acquisition. Again, I was fortunate to have a strong community of teachers, led by a Teacher Leader, to learn about literacy processing theory, sensitive observation, and support of individual students. I was thrilled to become a Teacher Leader the following year.  Once again, I found myself in a professional community of like-minded individuals learning to develop a deeper understanding of Clay’s theory to train and support Reading Recovery teachers. I am in awe of the power of Reading Recovery for students and the deep learning it provides for teachers.

Nineteen years later, I am immeasurably appreciative to be a part of the Reading Recovery community; this community has given me so much professionally and personally. Countless Reading Recovery teachers teach me so much and share their lessons and students with me. Teacher Leaders whom I am grateful to call colleagues and friends push me to improve my practice and understanding. Trainers influence and inspire me more than any others in this profession; the Reading Recovery Board provides leadership and advocates for Reading Recovery and responsive early literacy instruction. Even the incredibly professional staff at RRCNA works tirelessly to ensure our vision and mission are possible. Our community is special.

The Reading Recovery Community has inspired, energized, and uplifted me throughout my career.  As your RRCNA President, I am honored to represent this community. Together, we will advocate for all that Reading Recovery offers, from our documented results for building better readers to developing teacher expertise that impacts a school community.  We will celebrate and learn together face to face for the first time in 3 years at LitCon in January. When this community comes together, virtually or in person, it is incredible. We are committed to doing “whatever it takes,” and I am excited to see what we can accomplish next. 



Maeghan McCormick has been involved with Reading Recovery for 19 years, 18 of those as a Teacher Leader. She is currently on the 2022-23 Board of Directors as President for RRCNA.




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