Project Description

In 2004-2005, Brenda Rodriguez enrolled in Amarillo Independent School District’s Glenwood Elementary.  After administering the Instrumento de Observacion, it was apparent that she was behind academically.  She could write her name and knew the letter a. The principal, her classroom teacher, and even her parents considered placing Brenda in kindergarten so she could “catch up” to her peers.  Velia Martinez, Brenda’s Descubriendo la Lectura teacher, strongly advocated that Brenda remain in first grade and be placed in DLL.  She began Descubriendo la Lectura lessons that fall.  Brenda was a bright little girl with excellent oral language, and she was determined not to return to kindergarten.  She immediately began to make progress in both reading and writing, and by Christmas her lessons were discontinued.

Brenda continued to excel academically, and maintained an A average at Caprock High School in Amarillo. Brenda was chosen from a pool of 200 students to participate in a very selective law enforcement program developed for high school seniors: the Randall County Sheriff’s Student Academy. Brenda successfully graduated from the Academy and from Caprock High School. “She is eager to attend college in the fall,” remarks Ms. Martinez, “and I am confident that whatever path Brenda chooses she will excel!”