Project Description

This morning I did the OS with an incoming student and what happened just struck me and I wanted to share. When I pulled out At the Zoo he said, “I’m not a good reader.” I said something to the extent of “just do your best.” After he finished reading the book he said, “I didn’t know I could read this good.” He didn’t just fly through the book either, he had to do a little work with some rereading and he even self-corrected a few times.  At the end, he knew he did a good job.

It makes me think about what his typical day of reading looks like and feels like for him and other students when small-group instruction isn’t enough support. We (everyone involved in Reading Recovery and Literacy Lessons) make a huge difference by sharing with students opportunities where they can be successful and build upon that success. Thanks for all you do with the students and teachers you work with each day.

Tracee Farmer, Quincy Public Schools | Illinois