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The Journal of Reading Recovery : Fall 2023

Article Authors Date Citation
Fall 2023
Editor’s Corner, Fall 2023
Patricia Scharer 11/01/2023 Volume 23, Number 1
Executive Director’s Message, We Are Strongest Together
Billy Molasso 11/01/2023 Volume 23, Number 1
Using Cycles of Inquiry: A Reflective Tool to Foster Acceleration
Jennifer Flight 11/01/2023 Volume 23, Number 1
The Science of Readingpolitik: A Commentary
George G. Hruby 11/01/2023 Volume 23, Number 1
Intervention Essentials: Responses to Parents’ Questions About Reading Recovery
Mary K. Lose 11/01/2023 Volume 23, Number 1
Intervention Essentials: Understanding the Role of IDEC
Kate Nelson 11/01/2023 Volume 23, Number 1
Intervention Essentials: Reading Recovery’s Unique Data Lens
Wendy Vaulton 11/01/2023 Volume 23, Number 1
Connected From the Start: Oral Language, Reading, and Writing
Adria F. Klein, Nancy Rogers-Zegarra, Julie Kugler 11/01/2023 Volume 23, Number 1
The Last Word, Fall 2023
Courtney Smith, Annette Fracassa 11/01/2023 Volume 23, Number 1
Implementing Literacy Lessons in the United States: Revised Standards and Guidelines
Maryann Poparod 11/01/2023 Volume 23, Number 1
What Works Clearinghouse 2023 Reading Recovery Intervention Report: The Rest of the Story
Robert Scwartz 11/01/2023 Volume 23, Number 1
RRCNA section, Fall 2023
RRCNA 11/01/2023 Volume 23, Number 1
FULL ISSUE, Fall 2023
10/30/2023 Volume 23, Number 1
Table of Contents, JRR Fall 2023
10/30/2023 Volume 23, Number 1
Distinguished Scholar Series: A Vygotskian Interpretation of Reading Recovery
Marie M. Clay, Courtney B. Cazden 11/03/2023 Volume 23, Number 1

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Spring 2024