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The Journal of Reading Recovery : Fall 2019

Article Authors Date Citation
Fall 2019
Table of Contents
09/01/2019 Volume: 19 Number: 1
Digital Version
09/01/2019 Volume: 19 Number: 1
Promising Practices and Collaborative Discussions: Supporting Children's Letter Knowledge and Literacy Success
Kaye, Elizabeth L.; Lose, Mary K. 09/01/2019 Volume: 19 Number: 1
Editor's Corner
Scharer, Patricia L. 09/01/2019 Volume: 19 Number: 1
The Impact of Intentional and Purposeful Practice with English Language Learners in Reading Recovery: A Historical View
Elzy, JaNiece; Williams, Jeffery; Brymer-Bashore, Jeffrey 09/01/2019 Volume: 19 Number: 1
A Perpetual State of Inquiry: Our Commitment to Continue Marie Clay's Tradition of Continuous Improvement
Forbes, Salli; Askew, Billie; Flight, Jennifer; Embry, Judy 09/01/2019 Volume: 19 Number: 1
Paying More Attention to Phrasing in Fluent Reading
Schnug, James R. 09/01/2019 Volume: 19 Number: 1
Language Not Levels: An Inquiry into Book Selection
Flight, Jennifer; Cumming, Holly 09/01/2019 Volume: 19 Number: 1
Where Are They Now? Different Paths to Common Outcomes
09/01/2019 Volume: 19 Number: 1
President's Message: Honoring a Rich Legacy of Commitment to All Learners
Scott, Karen 09/01/2019 Volume: 19 Number: 1
Council News
09/01/2019 Volume: 19 Number: 1
The Last Word
Surber, Angela 09/01/2019 Volume: 19 Number: 1
Executive Director's Message: Building an Even Stronger Sense of Community
Molasso, Billy 09/01/2019 Volume: 19 Number: 1
Full Issue
09/01/2019 Volume: 19 Number: 1

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