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The Journal of Reading Recovery : Fall 2018

Article Authors Date Citation
Fall 2018
Table of Contents
09/01/2018 Volume: 18 Number: 1
Digital Version
09/01/2018 Volume: 18 Number: 1
Continue Sailing in a New Direction: Reading Recovery Teachers as Literacy Leaders
Lipp, Jamie 09/01/2018 Volume: 18 Number: 1
Reading Recovery and Complex Adaptive Systems: Widening Circles for Sustainable Implementation
Robertson, Marla K.; Patterson, Leslie; Briggs, Connie; Simpson, Anne 09/01/2018 Volume: 18 Number: 1
The Last Word
Harrison, Amy; Romano, Joyce 09/01/2018 Volume: 18 Number: 1
Council News
09/01/2018 Volume: 18 Number: 1
Executive Director's Message: Partnering to Share Our Deeper Understandings
Johnson, Jady 09/01/2018 Volume: 18 Number: 1
President's Message: Sustaining and Growing Our Work Requires A New Lens
Williams, Jeffery L. 09/01/2018 Volume: 18 Number: 1
Where Are They Now? Benny Foster: From Struggling Reader to Civil Engineering Major, Scholar
Batchellor, Jennifer 09/01/2018 Volume: 18 Number: 1
Taking Reflection to a Higher Level: A Study of Teacher Engagement in Intellectual Practice
Taylor, Lori L. 09/01/2018 Volume: 18 Number: 1
Purposeful Practice: Formative Assessment in Reading Recovery
Williams, Jeffery L. 09/01/2018 Volume: 18 Number: 1
Editor's Corner
Doyle, Mary Anne 09/01/2018 Volume: 18 Number: 1
Full Issue
09/01/2018 Volume: 18 Number: 1

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