Reviews of Research

With more than 30 years of data, Reading Recovery is the world’s most widely studied early intervention

Scholars both inside and outside Reading Recovery have summarized the studies to identify trends and suggest future direction for research

ED Agencies Review Reading Recovery Research
National agencies funded through the U.S. Department of Education have reviewed Reading Recovery research studies using rigorous standards.

What Works Clearinghouse Intervention Report: Reading Recovery (PDF). (2013, July 16). United States Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences. WWC Website.

Florida Center for Reading Research: Reading Recovery (PDF). (June 19, 2008). Florida Center for Reading Research, Florida State University.

A Synthesis of Research on Reading Recovery. T. Shanahan & R. Barr. (1995). Reading Research Quarterly, 30, 958-996.

How Much Evidence Is Enough Evidence? (PDF) Richard Allington. (2005). The Journal of Reading Recovery, 4(2), 8-11.

Reading Recovery: A Review of Research. G. S. Pinnell. (1997). In J. Squire, J. Flood, & D. Lapp (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Teaching Literacy Through the Communication and Visual Arts (pp. 638-654). New York: Macmillan Library Reference USA. (A project of the International Reading Association).

Reading Recovery in the United States: What difference does it make to an age cohort? E. H. Heibert. (1994). Educational Researcher, 23, 15-25.

Preventing Early Reading Failure With One-To-One Tutoring: A Review of Five Programs. B. A. Wasik & R. E. Slavin. (1993). Reading Research Quarterly, 28, 179-200.

Ten Promising Programs for Educating All Children: Evidence of Impact. R. Herman & S. Stringfield. (1997). Arlington, VA: Educational Research Service.

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