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Good News of the Week: Teacher Training Graduates

Published On: May 21st, 2024 | Categories: Latest News |

Congratulations to the newest New Jersey Reading Recovery and Literacy Lessons teachers!

These professionals worked so hard this year and were changed as educators. Their dedication to their students was unmatched.

These teachers learned how to observe children and meet them at their cutting edge of learning. The weekly classes were full of discussion during behind-the-glass lessons in addition to intense study in understanding Marie Clay’s literacy processing theory.

In their own words, the graduates shared:

“The training was transformative!” 

“This year in training revived my passion for teaching.”

“Student growth was amazing! I was able to design instruction to specifically meet the child’s ever changing needs.”

Congratulations to all of you for a wonderful year of discovery and learning!

Interested in becoming a Reading Recovery professional? Contact the University Training Center in your area.

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Spring 2024