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Follow My Journey: Oral Exams

Published On: December 9th, 2022 | Categories: Latest News |

Join us this year in a five-part series while we follow the journey of Courtney Smith at Clemson University as she trains to be a Teacher Leader.

By Courtney Smith

What a semester it has been!  If at the beginning of the semester we channeled Ross Gellar from Friends, we’ve spent the rest of the semester channeling Dory from “Finding Nemo” (with a little twist).  “Just keep reading, just keep reading.”  We’ve read Change Over Time and we’ve read it again.  We’ve discussed Rumelhart and Singer until Dr. Bates looked at us and said, “I’m not sure if you’re understanding their theories but keep reading.”  We’ve kept reading.

We’ve laughed, we’ve cried, we’ve taught behind the glass and critiqued Chall.  We’ve defined Hallmarks and taken Running Record checkpoints.  We’ve taken our readings to hair appointments and taped pages of our books back together thanks to naughty puppies.  We’ve texted each other and said, “Hey!  I think I get this now!”  We’ve gone to class and realized our understanding was only “clear as mud.”  We’ve kept reading.

Well, we’ve made it…almost.  In less than 48 hours, it’s time for that Rite of Passage every training Teacher Leader takes.  It looms large at the end of the first semester…(insert dramatic duh duh duh music here) Oral Exams!  Eight questions to have under control with artifacts to support your talking points but no clue which of those eight questions you are going to have to answer.  My family referred to it as my Miss America exam when I explained it to them.  Dr. Scharer firmly instructed us that no matter how confused or lost we get, we aren’t allowed to answer with a simple “world peace.”  We’ve read, we’ve discussed, we’ve read, we’ve experienced cognitive dissonance and we’ve read some more.  We’ve felt like bad moms, dads,  teachers, friends, and pet parents.  We’ve threatened to quit and worried we were one step away from getting kicked out.  We’ve dealt with district responsibilities, sickness, and children hyped up on candy from Halloween straight through to the Elf’s appearance so surely we can handle this last simple task.  Right?

Maryann McBride has reminded us all semester that “Shift happens or she’ll make it happen!”  So on Monday morning when I’m drawing out the question I have to answer, I’ll remember that I’ve shifted.  I’ve shifted my teaching and my understanding of literacy processing theory.  I’ve shifted my confidence as a teacher and literacy leader.  I may be nervous standing in front of three literacy experts whose journals I’ve read, conferences I’ve attended, and knowledge I’ve eagerly soaked up all semester.  But I’m also standing in front of five new friends who’ve been through this with me every step of the way.  We’ve cheered each other on, kept each other from quitting, and discussed Clay on many Friday nights.  We’ve cried together, laughed together, and supported each other in preparing for Oral Exams.  We’ve got this!

But please, please, please don’t let me get question number 6!

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